Goals. Everyone needs a Goal


Blog 11

Goals. Everyone needs a goal.

I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to figure it out. I’ve made lists for numerous things over the years. Career goals being the most obvious one that I can think of.

I had a Five and Ten year career plan. I made a list of where I wanted to be and what I needed to do to get there. Guess what? It made all the decisions that much easier. It kept me focused.

In November I started this journey. I’ve struggled with stops and starts and staying committed since that time. I’ve only been completely average. But the problem was that I had no goal. No plan. No path to travel down that would lead me to the magical final destination that I think I’m looking for. I was hoping that unicorns would be there, too.

It only makes it easier, for me, if I know what the end plan is. When it comes to my health and wellness this is something that totally makes sense. It’s totally obvious. It only took me 6 months to figure it out. Oops. My bad.

I’ve been putting together a list for myself to follow. It’s not that complicated, but it’s a guide for me to follow. Something that I can use to check off my progress. How’s it been working?

This week has been stellar. I have my plan. I know where I want to be. I can actually see it. I can see where I want to be.

Losing weight, and building muscle are two different things. Muscle has mass. Mass is weight. If I wanted to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, I would not want to lose weight, but I’d want to build muscle.

If I was looking to be a lean marathon runner, I would not want as much muscle mass because I wouldn’t want to drag the extra weight along on a 26 mile race.

The training for these two examples is different. From eating different foods, to a focus on different exercises.

For me, it’s all about being leaner, having a little bit of upper body definition and the ability with my cardio to easily do 10k in less than and hour.

That is the plan. I’m not looking to be Hercules. I’m not looking to be a marathoner. I’m looking realistically at the in-between person.

Having this plan makes running on the treadmill so much easier. I know exactly why I’m doing it. Lifting my 20 lb weights has a purpose. I don’t care if the monkey beside me is lifting 3 times as much as me. I don’t want to be him.

Of course, the other reason I started the whole wellness plan was to make healthier food choices. Eat foods that would get me out of the diabetes and high cholesterol Danger Zone. Having a goal will do everything to help me with this.

I can’t believe I was aimlessly moving along without a real plan. Now I have a plan. Now I move with a purpose. It’s a whole lot easier to be motivated.

It’s also a whole lot easier to be motivated when you’re sitting on the patio of your favourite pub drinking beer and eating awesome chicken wings and then being caught by your Personal Trainer who saw you, parked their car and then came over to visit and ask why you haven’t booked any more sessions recently.

I’ll be at the trainer’s house tomorrow. It’s going to hurt…. I’m sure…. But I have a goal. I’m okay with that!

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